
Economic and Social Sustainability in Europe: AXESS Training Courses available on the OER Platform

February 28th, 2019

AXESS (Acquisition of Key Competences for Economic and Social Sustainability) is a European Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2. The project involves 8 Partners from 7 Countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia and Spain), and aims at developing and validating innovative trainings to improve digital competences of low-skilled European adults, particularly focusing on adult women.

Training Courses are available on the AXESS OER platform –– and are made up of 10 modules in 7 languages which have the objective of training the target group on problem solving, time scheduling, use of innovative digital technology, best mileage out of Internet and smartphones, employability, job seeking via social media and others.

Partners will carry on with Test and Validation tasks and gather feedbacks from the target groups so that course are constantly improved.

In the AXESS project, IHF carried out analyses of the situation in the domain of digital skills for adult women in Europe and coordinates Dissemination and Visibility actions.


For further information on AXESS and IHF, please contact:

Project Website:

IHF website:

LinkedIn: IHF Europe