The website of Antidoping Green Seal, an Erasmus+ Sport Project, is officially online
10th October 2018 – The Antidoping Green Seal Project website has been launched and it’s now available at The website is one of the main communication tools and it hosts Project content, its objectives and all the materials produced during the Project (study, guidelines, handbook, interviews, and info tools). All content and material will be available in all Project languages: Croatian, Dutch, English, Italian, Polish, Spanish.
Antidoping Green Seal is a Project funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action Sport, bringing together six partners from Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK.
The Project aims at enhancing understanding and awareness of the negative implications of doping in recreational sports. As such, Antidoping Green Seal fills a gap as most antidoping campaigns and activities are often targeted at athletes involved in professional and competitive sports.
One of the objectives of the Project is to develop an Antidoping Ethical Code to be adopted across recreational sports organisations across Europe to prevent unhealthy behaviours of non-professional athletes. The main target group of the Project is represented by young people in recreational sport settings.
The website will be directly linked to the participating organisation’s websites. It was essential to design this online tool to incorporate all Project deliverables and other documents that could be helpful for any organisation at European level.
Project preventive actions have been defined according to the accurate evidence-based assessment carried out until June 2018. The Project ensure a bottom-up approach and will produce outcomes fully relevant and consistent with the actual needs of the target group.
In Green Seal, IHF is the leader of Work Package 4 – Communication and Dissemination and will coordinate Partner’s efforts to ensure the widest possible visibility to the Project.Furthermore, IHF will organise a Multiplier Sport Event in Brussels in 2019 to disseminate the Ethical Code GREEN SEAL
For further information about ANTIDOPING GREEN SEAL please contact or visit our website
The Green Seal Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.