IHF in Malaga (Spain) for the Closing Meeting of SUPER Project to present results and explore future collaboration opportunities.
The SUPER project, Start-Up Promotion for Entrepreneurial Resilience, is cofounded by the European Commission Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education and aims to overcome the barriers to entrepreneurship by developing a toolkit for HEIs to establish effective mentoring and incubators for aspiring entrepreneurs and training resources and business tools for students to put entrepreneurship into practice and develop their businesses.
The partners of the international consortium met in Malaga on June 15th to formally close the project and explore opportunities to further implement the SUPER Model. The meetings were a unique opportunity to illustrate the achievements of the project and explore several channels for further implementation.
Project results and detailed description of the SUPER model are available online on the project website www.super-project.eu where contact information can be found to get involved, share experiences and inquire about the possible applications of the SUPER model.
Thanks to its consolidated experience and expertise in dissemination and valorisation campaigns and activities in the field of HE and entrepreneurship in a EU dimension, within the SUPER Project IHF was responsible for coordinating the dissemination activities. IHF also cooperated with the other partner organisations to realise the Business Incubation Toolkit, a set of actionable recommendations and programmatic measures to design, establish and manage efficient business incubation and entrepreneurship support mechanism in HEIs, and to carry out the SUPER Toolkit and Training Test and Validation.
Project partners are available to address inquiries and provide additional information to all parties interested.