
IHF hosts the kick-off meeting of CREATE, an Erasmus Plus Project

IHF asbl  hosted in Brussels on November 9 and 10 the kick-off meeting for the launch of the project  Competitive Regions Employability of Adults through Education (CREATE).

The 9 partners from 8 countries met in Brussels to kick start the CREATE project co-founded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission.  CREATE aims to reducing geographic disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes across EU regions, by developing a toolkit for local policy makers to develop more efficient adult education policies.

At the meeting, partners jumpstarted project implementation planning the activities of Intellectual Output 1 to develop the CREATE Platform and Virtual Community. In addition, partners discussed the details of Intellectual Output 2 for the mapping and identification of policy instruments that can included in the CREATE toolkit.

IHF asbl is an association of practitioners established in Brussels in 2003 and acts as a platform for the exchanges of ideas and knowledge on the process on EU integration. In the CREATE project, IHF asbl will carry out the analysis on Adult Education policies and practices, support project management and most importantly carry out dissemination and exploitation activities at EU level.



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