RESET: Identification of critical digital competence needs of VET providers
RESET aims at offering significative solutions for post-pandemic training for VET providers. The first part of the project included both collection of primary data from a survey to investigate digital competence needs of the VET providers as well as desk research of the partners.
A questionnaire developed to uncover the digital competences of VET providers and the average time of daily activities related to online education revealed core competences and competence gaps. 1,016 questionnaires were sent out and a total of 308 respondents have answered – a response rate of 30%. The survey helped benchmark the digital skills in partner countries and has provided knowledge of lacking skills both across and within these countries.
The survey has been supported by desk analysis in all partner countries: Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain and Europe. The online training during COVID-19 lockdown proved challenging for students and was particularly burdensome for teachers and staff involved in the management and delivery of VET. The desk research is based on collection and analysis of official documents issued at EU, national and local level regarding dynamics, needs and priorities related to digital skills for VET providers.
The result is an identification of 10 critical competences need by VET providers, addressed by 10 training courses specifically designed to fill the identified gaps:
Training title |
Digital marketing for VET provision |
Quality digital training for students with special needs |
Optimizing digital VET – digital tools and resources |
Analysis of digital resources and understanding of digital reliability |
Classroom management: keeping the audience involved within the virtual classroom |
Teamwork and collaborative digital classroom |
DigComp for educators and organizations: operational implications |
Budgeting and resource mobilisation for digital transformation of VET organisations |
Cybersecurity and data protection for vet operators |
Micro-Digital Credential for VET |
The project partners are now developing training courses and operative tools aimed at the competences needs mentioned above to better support the VET providers in facing the digital transformation, using as a basis the DigCompEdu, the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators. The 10 training courses and the operative tools are expected to be launched and tested in 2023.
To learn more about RESET Project, please visit: