
IHF joined the 2nd online meeting of the Entre Comp Implementation Project


IHF took part to the 2nd virtual meeting of the ECI Project. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the consortium was not able to meet on-site in Greece as scheduled and decided to conduct the meeting virtually.

During the online meeting Partners discussed about the current project progress and stated that the activities are well on schedule. In particular, partners discussed about the finalisation of the report for stocktaking on the dynamics of entrepreneurial competencies at European level: the report will capture the state of implementation of the EntreComp competence framework for entrepreneurial skills which develop implementation tools and training content for the European VET systems.

The meeting also allowed the partners to start planning the definition of the training contents that will be developed in the next months of implementation.

In ECI IHF takes care of project website development and everything related to the design, building and maintaining of the OER Platform. Furthermore, IHF identified case studies and best practices at EU level for the definition of the country report at European level.

ECI is a project co-financed by the Erasmus Plus Programme and implemented by 8 Partners from 6 countries, i.e. Belgium, Greece, Italy, Germany, Romania and Poland. Such project aims at improve the understanding of word “entrepreneurial” in order to tackle economic and social challenges.

For more information on ECI:

