
NO ONE BEHIND: IHF Joins the EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT DAYS (EDD) in Brussels, Organised by the European Commission – June 20, 2019

June 20th, 2019

IHF Joined the European Development Days (EDD) which brings the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.

Economic growth and poverty reduction rely on reducing inequalities which threaten long-term social and economic development. It is a barrier to the economy itself as they thrown away the productive potential of people living in poverty.

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Also gender inequality is an issue but if tackled it properly, it can be solved as long as education is a start: more girls than boys remain out of school worldwide and the overwhelming majority of adults who lack basic literacy skills are women.

The European Union can offer an example of growth and equality working in hand: over the last quarter of a century, the EU’s single market has been a catalyst for the economic and social development, enhanced by an aid policy that addresses regional inequalities to promote inclusive economic growth.


For more information about IHF and its initiative:

IHF Website:

IHF LinkedIn: IHF Europe

IHF Facebook: IHF Europe

