IHF participates in online activities in the Rethink Finance project
29 December 2022
From October to December 2022, IHF participated in a series of online meetings organized in the framework of the Rethink Finance project.
During the meetings, partners of the Rethink Finance project discussed how to organize the summer school “From Traditional Finance to Neuro-Finance”, which will take place at the University of Lucian Blaga (Sibiu) in June/July 2023.
IHF is the lead organization of the project in organizing the summer school. As lead organization, IHF will be responsible of preparing the programme of the summer school with the support of the University of Opole (Poland) and the company/training provider BoldTech (Romania).
Rethink finance is a three-year project financed by the European Union in the action Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education and it gathers 6 partners from 5 countries (RO, IT, PL, ES, BE).
#rethinkfinance #erasmusplus #highereducation