IHF joined the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the RESET project
On June 23rd, IHF took part in the 2ndTransnational Project Meeting of the RESET project, held in Pescara (IT) and hosted by the Italian partner EPIC.
RESET -Resource for Post-Pandemic Effective Training- is an Erasmus+ project co-financed by the European Commission which gathers seven organisations from 4 countries (IT; DK; DE; BE; ES). Its aim is to increase the resilience and attractiveness capacity as well as the efficiency level of the VET system in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This was the first meeting in person from the beginning of the project and gave partners the opportunity to discuss the main issues of Project Management, Quality Assurance and Dissemination of the results achieved so far.
Furthermore, the consortium talked about the results of the primary and secondary research carried during the implementation of PR2, which will be soon available online on the RESET Platform. Information emerged from this first round of research had been taken as starting point to select the best Training Topic to develop in Project Results 3 in order to spread the knowledge and the use of DigCompEdu among VET providers at European Level and ensure the resilience of the whole system after the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information on RESET:
RESET Website: RESET – Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training (project-reset.eu)
RESET Facebook Page: Project RESET | Facebook
IHF email: ihf.ihfeurope.eu