IHF joined the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the DEW project
On June 23rd, IHF took part in the 2ndTransnational Project Meeting of the DEW project, held in Pescara (IT) and hosted by the Italian partner IDP European Consultants.
DEW – Digital Entrepreneurship for Women – is an Erasmus+ project co-financed by the European Commission which gathers seven organisations from five countries (BE, ES, FR, IR, IT). The project aims to develop operational solutions to the challenges faced by potential and existing female entrepreneurs in a post-pandemic world.
During the meeting, partners discussed about the results of the primary and secondary research carried out so far which will be soon available online on the DEW Platform.
The feedbacks of the survey developed by the Consortium, have confirmed that women consider digital skills as one of the most challenging obstacle to digital transformation. On the other hand, Self-awareness, Motivation, Planning & management and Financial Literacy have been identified as the four most important skills that female entrepreneurs should have in a post-Covid world.
Starting from the data of the skills gap assessment, partners discussed about the topics and contents of the DEW training course and defined its structure; furthermore, they examined the general implementation of the project’s horizontal activities, underling the progresses and defining future strategies.
Next step? The Consortium will create an innovative up-skilling pathway, which will support women in the development of the digital skills needed to start an entrepreneurial career or boost an existing business.
In this project, IHF is actively contributing to the implementation of all project results. After analysed female digital entrepreneurship and assessed training needs at EU level, IHF will bring its expertise in the development of the DEW Training Toolbox. Furthermore, IHF is responsible of Dissemination and Visibility activities, considering its consolidated experience in defining communication strategies and conducting dissemination campaigns.

For more information on DEW
Website: https://www.dewproject.eu/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DEW-Project-106768855234561
IHF email: ihf@ihfeurope.eu