Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship and Awareness in Higher Education (IDEA) – Test & Validation Activities
July 26, 2021
IHF asbl has recently concluded the Test & Validation activities on the IDEA project.
Starting from late 2019, Partners assessed, reviewed and revised literature sources that could provide for meaningful insights on the current status of digital entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurship education across Europe (available here). Findings suggested an increasing relevancy not only of entrepreneurial skills, but also entrepreneurial skills combined with digital literacy and ICT proficiency for aspiring young entrepreneurs and fresh graduates.
Based on results, Partners developed training modules that are properly fine-tuned on needs and skill gaps as emerging from the cross-national assessment. To better evaluate the pedagogical accuracy and relevancy of training materials, Partners are deploying the courses in pilot version to the cohort of targets addressed by the project.
The student cohort consists of approximately 40 participants. The topics covered in the lectures were:
– Fundamentals of digital entrepreneurship
– ICT skills
– Business management
Thanks to activities implemented by Partners and following results achieved throughout these two years of project implementation, IDEA proposes an innovative approach of one important factor influencing entrepreneurial success: the use of digital skills applied to entrepreneurship.
In the Project, IHF asbl brings its expertise and experience as a key social player in international and European projects. In particular, IHF asbl ensures the “European Dimension” of the Project as it carries out all the technical tasks from a “European Perspective”, i.e. carrying out analysis of relevant EU policies and initiatives; extrapolating EU relevant case studies, lessons learned and best practices.

IDEA (Inspiring digital entrepreneurship) is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission and involves a Consortium of nine Partners from seven European countries i.e. Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. The Project aims at raising awareness among HE institutions and education authorities about the potential of digital and entrepreneurship skills and their role as business success factors. Through all these activities IDEA will improve professional success chances of HE students with different backgrounds.
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