Du Motion’s volunteer education has started

Dubrovnik, May 7, 2021 – Education for volunteers of the European project Du Motion has finally started. During its workshops volunteers are introduced to the complex process of organizing a large sports event. The education is conducted through 5 modules developed by the project partners, which are organizations from Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Turkey.
Module 1 – Event management
Module 2 – Logistic services
Module 3 – Venue management
Module 4 – Organization of competition
Module 5 – Impact of Covid-19 on sport events
A total of 21 Dubrovnik volunteers were trained in the first two groups, and as the goal of the project is to educate a minimum of 40 volunteers per partner country, additional workshops will be organized soon.
Also, due to the need to respect epidemiological measures, workshops are held with a smaller number of volunteers per group. In addition to educational materials, the volunteers also received appropriate promotional items.

For more information: press@du-motion.com

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