The proposal CREATE2Evaluate has been approved!
September 4th, 2020
The Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (Erasmus+ National Agency in Germany) communicated the approval of the CREATE2Evaluate proposal, under the KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.
CREATE 2 Evaluate is a follow-up of ‘Competitive Regions and Employability of Adults through Education’ (CREATE) which ran from 2017 to 2019. The CREATE consortium created an open resource Toolbox containing useful tools, best practice cases as well as networks for relevant stages of the policy cycle. In collecting tools for the Toolbox it became clear that tools were sorely lacking in one crucial area: evaluation. The original set of tools plus the ones yet to be designed can be found via: .
In addition to creating the evaluation tools, CREATE2Evaluate will provide support for implementation by designing guiding documents which will facilitate up-take and increase impact at systemic level. Agents interested in working with the new tools for evaluation can also benefit from the existing virtual community established under CREATE. The virtual community highlights the cooperative approach run by the consortium who believe they can only create viable instruments for the AE sector by incorporating the existing expertise from practice as much as possible. Beyond the lifetime of the project partners aim to enable players in the AE field to exchange experiences and cooperate more stringently to achieve more sustainable and efficient results informed by the sector’s real needs.
The consortium will collaborate with sector representatives to pilot and refine the tools in order to create easy-to-use templates that can be applied directly. The primary target groups of CREATE 2 EVALUATE are policy makers, managers in AE provider organisations and AE umbrellas at regional, national as well as EU levels, because they are centrally involved in designing policy and programmes and/or in putting strategies and programmes into action. They represent two perspectives on the processes but are equally affected by them and thus both profit from transparent evaluation procedures. All tools and other project results will be available as Open Educational Resources in accordance with Erasmus+ guidelines.
CREATE2Evaluate will be co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission and will last 24 months between 2020/22. The project has been submitted and will be implemented by a partnership of eight organisations from seven European countries (Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain).
In the project, IHF will provide technical, operational and management contributions, being involved in all activities and “stages” of implementation to contribute to the production of deliverables and outputs. Moreover, IHF will be proactively involved in securing the engagement of target groups and stakeholders in project activities throughout the most relevant stages of analysis, development and deployment and piloting.
For further information on CREATE2Evaluate and other IHF asbl initiatives: |