
Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship in HE – IHF joined the IDEA Virtual Meeting

On 26th of May IHF participated in the second project management meeting of the IDEA project (Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship and Awareness in HE). The meeting, originally planned in Pescara – Italy, has been realised in online mode on the basis of an agenda developed and shared jointly by all partners.


At the meeting, Partners analysed the project state of implementation, in particular, focusing on the level of development of the OER Platform that is already online at Furthermore, partners presented the report on the mapping on the dynamics and trends of digital entrepreneurship in each Country represented in the project. Each country report will be collected in a single report which will resume the EU scenario.

In the following months the IDEA partnership will develop a set of tools and training contents on digital entrepreneurship. All the resources will be uploaded on the project platform and will remain available even after the end of project implementation.


In IDEA IHF identified case studies and best practices at EU level for the use of cultural heritage means and tools as learning methodologies for young people with disabilities. Another contribution of IHF will be the hefty efforts for wide dissemination of project activities and results, also leveraging its presence in Brussels to engage stakeholders and target groups at EU level.

IDEA is a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission which involves a Consortium of 9 Partners from 7 European countries i.e. Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

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