Developing Sport Administration Competences – January 31, 2020
Brussels, February 3rd 2020 – On January 31st and February 1st, IHF hosted the Kick Off Meeting of ADMINS, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission which gathers 6 Partners from 5 countries, i.e. Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Spain and Sweden.
ADMINS addresses the need of fostering the job-related skills and competences of sports administration employees in order to strengthen the capacities of sports organisations and contribute to better governance in sports.
At the meeting, Partners briefly introduced themselves and discussed several topics including project implementation, intellectual outputs, dissemination and exploitation activities specifically handled by IHF and Quality Assurance for the correct and smooth proceeding of the meeting.
For further information on ADMINS and other IHF initiatives:
IHF Website:
LinkedIn: IHF Europe
IHF Facebook: IHF Europe