IHF Hosted the Kick-Off Meeting of IDEA Project, an Erasmus+ Project – November 11, 2019
In Brussels (BE), on November 11th, 2019, IHF hosted the Kick-Off Meeting of IDEA – Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship and Awareness in HE – a project which involves a Consortium of 9 Partners from 7 European countries i.e. Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.
IDEA’s innovative approach towards entrepreneurial success implies the use of digital skills applied to entrepreneurship, thus being able to keep up with the latest social, technological and economic trends. In The project, IHF will identify case studies and best practices at EU level for the use of cultural heritage means and tools as learning methodologies for young people with disabilities.
At the meeting, Partners briefly introduced themselves, then the project’s objective presentation followed, along with the mapping and stock taking of Digital Entrepreneurship dynamics, E-learning training material for Students plus Dissemination and Visibility via Multiplier Events, specifically handled by IHF.
IHF will also contribute to the definition and development of non-formal learning mechanisms for young people with disabilities by bringing its consolidated experience in non-formal learning and work with target groups at socio-economic disadvantage, not to mention dissemination of the project’s activities and results, also leveraging its presence in Brussels to engage stakeholders and target groups at EU level.
For future information on IDEA and IHF initiatives:
IHF Website: www.ihfeurope.eu
LinkedIn: IHF Europe
IHF Facebook: IHF Europe