SOCIAL EDUCATION FOR DIGITAL TARDIVES: IHF in Brussels for the 3rd Transnational Meeting of CLICK CLEVER, an Erasmus+ Project – October 10, 2019
IHF organised the third meeting of CLICK CLEVER on October 10th in Brussels. The project is implemented by a Consortium of 8 Partners from 5 European countries, i.e. Belgium, France, Greece, Italy and Spain.
During the full development of formative contents, partners took stock of the implementation of the platform, compared already existing training courses in order to start up the enhancement phase, discussed the testing phase upon target groups and schedule future multiplier event.
The combination of evaluations from researches allow partners to investigate and solve digital issues and foster the creation of a proper “digital culture” at a European level by developing free online and face-to-face training modules to make “digital immigrants” able to live in relational environments, such as social networks, and to think critically about contents they receive through social media.
IHF asbl was established in Brussels in 2003 and acts as a platform to exchange and share ideas and knowledge on the process of EU integration. In CLICK CLEVER, IHF carries out the analysis on digital behaviour at EU level as well as be responsible of dissemination and exploitation activities.
For more information about CLICK CLEVER and IHF initiatives:
IHF Website:
LinkedIn: IHF Europe
IHF Facebook: IHF Europe
Project Website: