ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS FOR EU START-UPS: IHF in Tetovo (MK) for the 3rd Meeting of TESEUS, a Project Co-funded by Erasmus+ – September 20, 2019
September 23rd, 2019
IHF was in Tetovo, Macedonia, along with 8 Partners from 7 European countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Spain) on September 20th, 2019 for the third meeting of TESEUS – Training on Entrepreneurial Skills for EU Start-Ups, a project financed under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training.
The project supports real entrepreneurship and creation of companies to nurture the entrepreneurial talent on IVET students by creating innovative tools and training content for both IVET teachers/mentors and students on how to identify business potential and turn it into real companies and start-ups.
After having analysed the entrepreneurial aspects at EU level and in the countries involved, Partners produced a draft of the training course in IO3, discussed in the meeting – along with indications to better finalise them – in order to make them relevant and efficient for the target group. Such courses will be translated in all the 7 Partners’ languages. Dissemination, exploitation and quality assurance aspects were also discussed.
IHF asbl was established in Brussels in 2003 and acts as a platform to exchange and share ideas and knowledge on the process of EU integration. In TESEUS, IHF will investigate dynamics of start-up promotion mechanisms in IVET environments at EU level; IHF will also be responsible of dissemination and exploitation activities at EU level and will coordinate partners’ dissemination activities.
For further information about TESEUS and IHF initiatives:
IHF Website: www.ihfeurope.eu
LinkedIn: IHF Europe
IHF Facebook: IHF Europe